Share your thoughts with us. This is a place where smelly armpits are no taboo. Or ask a question on Twitter @DrArmpit or Instagram. Or stay informed on our latest developments or to try our testers:

is not washing for a week the way to make the smell subside
Openbronwyn silk asked 2 years ago • 
427 views0 answers0 votes
Accutane and Body Odor
OpenMary Rutley asked 2 years ago • 
519 views0 answers0 votes
Emollients/Soap Substitutes
OpenJasper asked 2 years ago • 
441 views0 answers0 votes
OpenJim asked 2 years ago • 
433 views0 answers0 votes
Hey Chey
OpenBlocked Nose asked 2 years ago • 
455 views0 answers0 votes
Openliz asked 2 years ago • 
527 views0 answers0 votes
Garbage smelling underarm
Answereddrarmpit answered 2 years ago • 
668 views1 answers0 votes
Removing armpit sweat stains from fabric
Answereddrarmpit answered 2 years ago • 
595 views1 answers0 votes
chemical compound for armpits
Answereddrarmpit answered 2 years ago • 
746 views1 answers0 votes
Betadine skin cleanser made my armpit odor worst
Answereddrarmpit answered 2 years ago • 
8688 views1 answers0 votes
Answereddrarmpit answered 2 years ago • 
788 views1 answers0 votes
Yall be patient.
Answereddrarmpit answered 2 years ago • 
875 views1 answers0 votes
Can body odor be transmitted?
Answereddrarmpit answered 2 years ago • 
864 views1 answers0 votes
Dr Chris Will Your Deodorant Land This Year 2022 or Not
Answereddrarmpit answered 2 years ago • 
913 views1 answers0 votes