I wonder

Q&AI wonder
Hope4Cure asked 3 years ago

Hi Dr. Armpit
I have a foul, strong, sulfurous, sour after taste and lingering odour in my throat. I\'m noticing how strong and foul my halitosis is at night even after brushing. The other weird thing is the smell coming from my sweat from my chest is sour and pungent. It\'s almost reminiscent of the odours coming from my throat.
Is it possible the odours from the throat are connected to what is coming through my pores from the chest?
P.S. I know the road is rough, but, please keep doing what you do! I know a breakthrough is on the horizon.

1 Answers
drarmpit Staff answered 2 years ago

Hi, yes, the human body is totally connected. So yes, it can definitely be related to each other. Smelly armpits are sometimes an early warning signal for something else that is not right in the body. Listening to the body is always good. Identifying the bad habits is already half the solution! Best, Chris